Hair Restoration

Treats Hair Loss From The Inside Out For A Natural-Looking Hairline. 

Hair Restoration

Treats Hair Loss From The Inside Out For A Natural-Looking Hairline. 

What Is PRP?
How Do We Use It To Restore Hair Growth?

What Is PRP?
And How Do We Use It To Restore Hair Growth?

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP), also known as “Liquid Gold” due to its golden color and natural healing abilities, is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn, processed, and then injected into the scalp. Patients use this for natural hair growth by increasing the blood supply to the hair follicle and increasing the thickness of the hair shaft. 

Painless Procedure
With Minimal Downtime.

This Liquid Gold helps tissues heal and new cells to grow. That is why we use PRP injections to treat hair loss and stimulate new growth. Platelets are known for releasing a variety of growth factors that respond to the tissue in ways of healing and enhancing. 

This is a simple and easy process that takes about 20 minutes. Like all injection procedures, there may be temporary discomfort but overall a painless procedure with minimal downtime. PRP injections use your own PRFM which results in virtually no risk of allergic reaction. While you may see your desired results after one treatment, we generally recommend additional treatments.

What Is The Selphyl PRFM System?

The Selphyl PRFM System is a safe and fast way of preparing Platelet-rich Fibrin Matrix. It takes a small sample of high concentrated red and white blood cells and combines them. Through this process, the PRP is converted to PRFM that creates a scaffold that protects and preserves the platelets. 

Restore Your Hair Loss With Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)

If you have thinning hair and want to stimulate the activity of your hair follicles and promote new hair growth, then PRP is a great treatment option for you. Get in touch with us right now to find out more about PRP and Hair Restoration or to schedule a free consultation with one of our experts. We’ll answer all your questions and address any concerns you may have so you can determine if PRP treatments are right for you. 

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